Admiral Headquarters
232 Strawbridge Drive
Suite 300
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone: 856-429-9200
Fax: 856-429-8611
View contact details for our other locations in our office directory.
Report a Claim
Reporting your claim to Admiral is easy. We offer the following methods to report a claim: email, fax, or mail.
Request Loss Runs
Provide us with the Insured’s information and your contact info to request loss runs and we’ll get them over to you within two business days.
Request Credentialing
Submit your credentialing form via email. Once received, we’ll start working on them as soon as possible. Please allow up to 5 business days for requests to be completed.
Admiral Appointment
If you are a wholesale broker in need of an insurance partner with deep expertise, contact us to become an appointed broker.
Locate a Wholesale Broker
We are a wholesale dedicated market and only provide access to our coverages through our appointed wholesale broker partners. If you are not already working with a wholesale broker, find an Admiral appointed wholesale broker!
Have a different question?
Complete the form below to contact Admiral Insurance with your questions.